Tarea del miércoles:
Los reflexivos recípricos
Reflexive verbs: Remind me, what we learned about reflexive verbs: Used when the subject does the action to themselves Use the reflexive pronouns to match the subject Examples: bañarse, sentirse, irse
Reciprocal Reflexives:
Ellos se besan.
Ellos se miran.
Reciprocal Reflexives: These are similar to reflexive verbs but with a slightly different meaning. Reciprocal Reflexives express a shared or reciprocal action between 2 or more people or things. (to) each other or (to) one another The reflexive pronoun needs to match the subject of the sentence just like with normal reflexive pronouns. You’ll only use the pronouns nos, os, and se Ejemplos: Ellos se besan. They kiss each other. Ellos se miran. They look at one another. Nos escribimos. We write each other.
Inténtalo: Haz la práctica en página setenta y dos.
¿Por o para? I went to the store to get a CD player. They need a laptop for Spanish class. In the morning we go to school. He drives around here a lot. We want to go home using the highway but Bob wants to go using that street. You all walked all over the place in Madrid.
Tarea para el lunes: Worksheet