Commands with double object pronouns Preview Commands Commands with double object pronouns
Commands You know to attach an object pronoun or reflexive pronoun to the end of the verb in an affirmative command and to place it just before the verb in a negative command. refers to Julia, lávate las manos antes de comer. refers to Si no te gusta la sopa de ajo, no la pidas.
Commands with double object pronouns You can use an indirect object pronoun followed by a direct object pronoun in commands. They follow the same placement rules. ¿Quieres el café ahora o con el postre? Ahora no, gracias, sírvemelo después.
Commands with double object pronouns When a reflexive pronoun is used together with a direct object, the reflexive pronoun goes before the direct object noun or pronoun. Luis, ponte la camisa antes de sentarte a comer. ¡Ay mami, no quiero! ¡Hace mucho calor! No importa. Póntela .