Energy Transfer Your Name
Producers and Consumers Game Complete the online producers and consumers game. When you have completed the activity with 3 mistakes or less, copy and paste a screen print here and then move on to the next slide.
Herbivore, Omnivore or Carnivore? Complete the online herbivore, carnivore or decomposer game. When you have completed the activity with 3 mistakes or less, copy and paste the screen print here and then move on to the next slide:
The Food Chain Game Complete the online food chain game.. When you have completed the activity with 3 mistakes or less, copy and paste the screen print here and move on to the next slide:
Food Web Create a food web with the organisms you researched during the research and report session. The food web must show at least 3 categories of producers and consumers. The food web must use 10 of the organisms you researched. The arrows must indicate the flow of energy from the lowest trophic level to the highest. This project is worth 160 points: 20 for each online activity, and 10 for each organism in the food web. Make the food web on the next blank slide.