The High Court of Rhetoric and Refutation Agenda:- To assess critically the strengths and weaknesses of Aquinas’ natural law To develop the skills of rhetoric and refutation in considering his moral theory
Court Session Today, you will be split into five pods and asked to complete a task using dialogue, reason and the information provided. All the tasks will revolve around Thomas Aquinas in court and the following accusation, ahead of questioning and a verdict. Charge – Knowingly providing a moral theory that is a weak approach to ethics and morality.
Tasks Thomas Aquinas – Use notes to prepare for defence and prosecution questioning. Also prepare a closing plea mitigating circumstances. Defence Questioning – Use notes to prepare a set of questions aimed at showing natural law theory as strong Prosecution Questioning – Use notes to prepare a small set of questions aimed at showing Aquinas’ moral theory as weak. Defence Closing Statement – Use notes to prepare a closing statement summarising your defence. Prosecution Closing Statement – Use notes to prepare a closing statement summarising your prosecution.
The Court is now in Session All rise.
Summary Jury Verdict Notes taken/HWK set Essay Question A) Explain Natural Law Theory (25) B) Natural Law is not the best approach to morality. Discuss (10)