QQ: Find the resultant vectors. 7m + 13 m 17 cm + 23 cm + 47 cm A person walks 1.5 km N, then 4 km S, and finally 3 km N 4. A school bus travels 8 miles east then 15 miles north
Today’s Objective: I can use a position time graph to represent motion
Time interval: The difference between the times Calculated by subtracting the 2 values
Simply subtract the values Delta: The Greek letter meaning “change in” Simply subtract the values
Displacement: The change in position D d = df - df
Position-time graph: Used to show movement of objects X-axis is time Y-axis is position
Plot data points…then draw line of best fit.
Slope represents the velocity over that interval of time
Instantaneous position: The position at a particular instant An instant is not a finite period of time…it lasts ZERO seconds (otherwise the object would not be moving at all)
Make a position time graph of the runner’s motion below Make a position time graph of the runner’s motion below. Start by making a table. Then make graph.
When did the runner whose motion is described here reach 12 When did the runner whose motion is described here reach 12.0 meters beyond the starting point?
22.5 m 2.4 S Restate the questions: At what time was the magnitude of the runner’s position (x) equal to 12.0 m? What was the runner’s position at t = 4.5 seconds? 22.5 m 2.4 S
Assignment: Do Practice Problems on Page 39 and 41