Journal Entry #88 Title: Commas and Semicolons Directions: Write your own sentence using the comma and semicolon rules you have learned thus far. Each number is labeled with the kind of sentence you will compose for each number. You have 8 minutes to complete. Be ready to share. Appositive – extra information Listing – items in a list Intro clause – take information and place it at the end and it still makes sense Coordinating Conjunction – FANBOYS Semicolon – joining two complete sentences Semicolon with a transition – joining two complete sentences with a transition
Journal Entry #89 Title: Commas and Semicolons Examples Directions: Write your own sentence using the comma and semicolon rules you have learned thus far. Each number is labeled with the kind of sentence you will compose for each number. You have 8 minutes to complete. Be ready to share. Appositive – Spike, my adorable Chihuahua, broke his leg. Listing – We are going to the concert, eating dinner, and calling it a night. Intro clause – Because he was so lonely, I went over and talked to him. Coordinating Conjunction – I am finally understanding these comma rules, and they are going to help me pass my EOC. Semicolon – I warned you not to jump on the bed; I knew you were going to fall. Semicolon with a transition - Karen attended a fancy dinner party; however, the guests were obnoxious.