What are different ways to show fractions?
Each section on this number line represents one fourth Each section on this number line represents one fourth. We can also represent fourths with a circle.
This is how we can show one fourth on the number line or on the circle.
Now we see two fourths or ½ on the number line and on the circle.
We've now represented three fourths on the number line and on the circle.
Now we see one whole on the number line and 4/4s or one whole on the circle.
Now let's show fourths using a rectangle.
One fourth is represented on the number line and on the rectangle.
Now two fourths or 1/2 is represented on the number line and on the rectangle.
Here we have three fourths represented on the number line and in the rectangle.
Lastly, we now have one whole represented on the number line and in the rectangle.
Does the shape matter when dividing fractional parts?
We can use any number of shapes to show fractions divided into fair shares. Let’s look at some shapes that are broken into fractional parts. Each shape is divided into parts, and each part is the same size. This circle is divided into halves.
This circle is divided into thirds
And this circle is divided into fourths And this circle is divided into fourths. We can also divide squares into equal parts.
Here is a square divided into halves…
…and fourths. Finally, let’s see how this works with a hexagon.
This is a hexagon divided into halves…
…into thirds…
…and into fourths. Within each shape, each part is the same size.
When we are looking at fractional parts, the most important thing to see is that each fractional part is a fair share.
These shapes are divided into fair shares.
These shapes are not divided into fair shares.