Is the following statement true? CentriFgal Force? Is the following statement true? 6 January 2K + 5
Stronger Than Gravity SCIENCE CONCEPT: Is there any force that can defy gravity? Actually, yes! Centrifugal force pushes objects that are moving in a circular path towards the outside of that path, keeping them moving in a circle. TRY THIS: To demonstrate centrifugal force for students, place a tennis ball (or other light, harmless object) into a plastic bucket. Ask students what will happen when you turn the bucket upside down. The ball will fall out, of course. Why? Gravity! Now say you will show them a force that can actually defy gravity, called centrifugal force. Have students each take turns holding the bucket and swinging it around in a vertical circle so that the object stays in on each swing. Explain that this force is the same force they feel pushing them to one side when riding in a car or on a bike that takes a sharp curve.
Is there any force that can defy gravity? Actually, yes! Stronger Than Gravity Science Concept: Is there any force that can defy gravity? Actually, yes! Centrifugal force pushes objects that are moving in a circular path towards the outside of that path, keeping them moving in a circle.
To demonstrate centrifugal force for students, place a tennis ball TRY THIS To demonstrate centrifugal force for students, place a tennis ball into a plastic bucket. Ask students what will happen when you turn the bucket upside down.
Now say you will show them a force that can actually defy gravity, The ball will fall out. Why? Gravity! Now say you will show them a force that can actually defy gravity, called centrifugal force. Fearth on ball
so that the object stays in Have students each take turns holding the bucket and swinging it around in a vertical circle so that the object stays in on each swing.
Explain that this force is the same force they feel pushing them to one side when riding in a car or on a bike that takes a sharp curve.
That’s all folks!