Today’s Warm Up Turn in your homework! Think about this question: What are the three most important innovations, or inventions, of your lifetime? In your notebook, quickly sketch each innovation. Then write a one- or two-sentence description explaining how each innovation has affected or changed your life. Be ready to share!
Today’s LEQ What motivates people to invent and be innovative? How do innovations and inventions impact the economy?
Magnet Strategy Read the paragraph on the Industrial Revolution and select five key “MAGNET” words. String the words together into 2-3 sentences summarizing the main idea of the Industrial Revolution.
What was the Industrial Revolution? Era between 1700 and 1900 when changes in technology transformed the world Shifted the way people worked From human & animal power to water & steam powered machines (allowed for mass production) Fueled by innovation and inventions Started in Great Britain and arrived in America by the early 1800s
Why Invent? Population boom increased demand for goods & services Immigration Healthier people How would you graph this shift in demand?
Why Invent? Inventions were made to solve problems Problem: How do we speed up production to meet the huge increase in demand? Solution: Invent new machines to mass produce goods.
Why Invent? There is profit to be made!!!
Capitalism Fuels Innovation Also known as a free market economy! Means of production privately owned Profit = huge incentive! Willingness to risk money is at the heart of capitalism! The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward! Capitalists funded new technology, scientific research, building of railroads and factories in the hopes of making a profit. Financial backers protected their investments through patents - license to use, make, and sell an invention. 9
Capitalism Analogies! Create an analogy for capitalism to show me that you are indeed picking up what I am putting down. Prove you know what it means! For example, teaching is like running a marathon because it’s really hard work but is worth it in the end! (Or, you just give up half way through and eat some french fries…) Your turn: Capitalism is like… because…
Key Improvements of the Industrial Revolution There were many inventions and innovations after the Civil War that completely transformed the nation! Improvements in Communication Improvements in Transportation Improvements in Oil Drilling Agricultural Improvements Bessemer Process Electricity *** In pairs, you will learn more about specific inventions and innovations in each category. Stand by for further instructions ***
Key Inventions Jigsaw Activity You have been assigned one invention or innovation It’s your job to figure out the following: Description: Who invented it and when? What does it do? What problem(s) was solved? Impact on Producers: How did this invention specifically impact the production process in related market(s)? How would this specifically impact producers? Impact on Consumers: How did this invention specifically impact the customer? (prices, access to specific types of goods/services, etc.)
If you were a “shark” during the Industrial Revolution, which invention/innovation would you choose to invest in? Use S.O.S. format! State your position Offer reasons Support with evidence & examples Go to and enter room #78181823 Provide your real name(s) to receive credit. Text in your Decision!
Are you Smelling What I’m Stepping In? How would you graph the economic changes that resulted from new technologies allowing for mass production?
Shark Tank Summary! Which key invention of the Industrial Revolution would you choose to financially back and why?