Bringing Authentic Spanish Videos into the Classroom
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This is an online polling app – will need to download the app - for the slide to run correctly.
This is an online polling app – will need to download the app - for the slide to run correctly.
Possible ways to use a video... Retelling Predicting Mood-setting Extending Quizzing Modeling Engaging Inspiring Describing Elaborating David Deubelbeis has some great resources on using video in the classroom, and these are just a few of them.
Using SpinTX videos as a connection, as the entire focus of the class, & as a springboard to class production. I want to show you a few ways that you can use SpinTX videos, and hopefully incorporate some of your ideas along the way.
Connections… Warm-ups and introductions to units Presenting topics, grammar or pronunciation Seque to next activity Both beginning and cap activity
Introduction to a topic Topic of cultural differences, Pre-video questions What are your favorite “Mexican foods" ? How often do you have them? … Which of these foods are actually Mexican and which are American? Video & follow up questions: Which foods were listed? Did you know that? Do you agree with him? Contrastive essay … Need to insert video of
Segue between activities Moving between vocabulary & irreg preterit Just finished section on camping and being outdoors (Realidades Ch2) What would you bring with you on a trip? Video 0:00 1:05 What did he bring? What did he forget? What is this word here - dijeron? It's a different conjugation – its missing an “i”…
Both beginning and cap activity Creates unity, helps to tie the unit together More exposure to authentic language Reinforcing pronunciation and form Repetition Example: Video as a hook, focus on a topic, grammar, pronunciation, Students watch for homework and activity Then have a closure activity after learning the new concept
Targeting the text CLEP test "correct" with prescriptive grammar Predict correct item Give infinitives to conjugate Listen and fill in "correct" with prescriptive grammar Summarize & restate the gist of the video Translate into English Focus on pronunciation Lexical variation
Springboard Write a possible dialogue / story / scene before or after Rewrite the video, recall or adapt Retell the main facts of the story, but with different level of vocabulary, in a different tense, or in a different way. Watch the video taking notes & then retell from notes After watching the video a couple of times, allow the students to create new texts. Using what they have learned, or continuing the dialogue to the next logical step.
Springboarding from speakers Class into group, each pick a speaker Listen to all stories of a speaker Order the stories to find the whole dialogue Redo the interview The gist of the actual interview Their own personal answers & opinions Compare two speakers talking about the same topic
Springboarding from stories Chart the events What happens next Reenact the story, but with dialogue Draw a picture - cartoon sequence Debate what the speaker should do next (or should have done) There are some great gems inside of SpinTX and the stories the speakers tell are rich and engaging. Getting the students to reenact one of the stories, or illustrate the main events are fun ways to bring the stories to life. This is a great area to bring diversification according to learner type. Allowing the artistic and hands on to cartoon or storyboard the story, the dramatic to create a short skit, and the linguistic to rewrite the tale from a reporter’s perspective.
No puedes respirar, hasta que uno así se muere No puedes respirar, hasta que uno así se muere Alma R.
Using other technology Embed within hosting sites Build flashcards with vocabulary Student creation & reference Edmodo Embed videos as assignments, quizzes or polls Can track to see who “turned in” Allows for discreet feedback. Quizlet Create ongoing vocabulary lists of speakers or topics Padlet As students are watching the video, others can build around the video targeting grammar, vocabulary, or even
Edmodo Using Edmodo currently in my Spanish 2 & 4 class with SpinTX videos Extra credit: How many DO pronouns? “I watched that video 10 times to get the right answer, and I even had to check the book to see if I was looking at the right thing” I can talk about my actual Edmodo page and how I use the videos… Can take to my page of edmodo