Ethics What is your definition of ETHICS?
Ethics Ethics is a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about morality, concepts such as good & evil, right & wrong, virtue and vice, justice & crime
Ethics Is the study of values, of how we ought to live Often used interchangeably with morals & values A systematic, rational reflection upon a behavior
Values Are defined as standards or ideals which serve as guides to conduct and decision making
5 Cornerstones to ethical behavior 1) Do what you say you will do 2) Never divulge information give to you in confidence 3) Accept responsibility for your mistakes 4) Never become involved in a lie 5) Avoid accepting gifts that compromise your ability to perform in the best interest of the organization
Ethics Where do you get your “Ethics” from?
Why is Ethical Behavior Important 1) Ethical behavior establishes trust 2) Unethical behavior leads to organizational dysfunction 3) Unethical behavior creates public outrage 4) Unethical behavior could create a personal moral dilemma
5 Steps to Ethical Decision Making 1) Think through the ethical dilemma and identify all components as objectively as possible
5 Steps to Ethical Decision Making 2) Consider your options
5 Steps to Ethical Decision Making 3) Decide which option is the most ethical
5 Steps to Ethical Decision Making 4) How can the option be implemented?
5 Steps to Ethical Decision Making 5) What are the consequences of your decision?
5 Steps to Ethical Decision Making 1) Think through the ethical dilemma and identify all components as objectively as possible 2) Consider your options 3) Decide which option is the most ethical 4) How can the option be implemented? 5) What are the consequences of your decision?