akin ADJECTIVE related by blood; allied by nature; having the same properties; having or showing an affinity; kindred
intense devotion, eagerness, or enthusiasm ardor NOUN intense devotion, eagerness, or enthusiasm
to make more certain; confirm corroborate VERB to make more certain; confirm
despondent ADJECTIVE feeling/showing profound hopelessness, dejection, discouragement, or gloom:
inexorable ADJECTIVE unyielding; unalterable; not to be persuaded, moved, or affected by prayers or entreaties
without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; dull insipid ADJECTIVE without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; dull
extremely wicked or villainous nefarious ADJECTIVE extremely wicked or villainous
Asking humbly and earnestly; begging eagerly suppliant ADJECTIVE Asking humbly and earnestly; begging eagerly
the quality or state of being wearisome; irksomeness; tediousness tedium NOUN the quality or state of being wearisome; irksomeness; tediousness
torrid ADJECTIVE oppressively hot, parching, or burning, as climate, weather, or air; fervent; passionate