The Government Final Exam You must return your study guides the day of the exam. You will lose 5 points for every study guide you do not return. Check right now to make sure you have all 6 study guides. Constitution Legislative Presidential Powers Parties and Elections Judicial System Rights of the Accused If you don’t have any of these, let me know and I will check to see if you turned it in. If you didn’t (or did not complete it), then you are responsible for finding that info on your own.
The Government Final Exam You must return your study guides the day of the exam. You will lose 5 points for every study guide you do not return. The Exam is split up into 6 separate sections by unit. It is like 6 mini-tests. Each section will contain the following: Multiple Choice: many of which are the same questions from your tests. Others will come from short answer questions from your test. Matching: Significant terms or people from the semester. There may also be “special” sections that resemble sections from tests like the one you just did on whether evidence or confessions/evidence would be allowed in court. Or Republican vs. Democratic party views. Or Civil or Criminal law.
Preparing for the Final Exam 1. As soon as possible, read through your study guides, especially the early units. This will reacquaint you with the material. 2. Consider downloading the blank study guides off my website. See if you can answer each question without looking at your completed study guides. The ones you know for sure: don’t even bother filling them in. The ones you are not certain: fill it in and check to see if you are right. If so, you are good. The ones you don’t answer correctly or cannot answer: Those are the ones you need to study.