Fisheries Management Scientists study fish stocks to determine estimates of the population count and the reproductive biology of the species This information allows scientists to estimate the growth rate of the stock and determine the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), maximum amount of fish that can be caught without impairing future populations.
Fisheries Management, cont’d Scientists can determine the minimum size of fish to be caught to ensure juveniles are not being harvested They can also determine times of the year when no fishing should be allowed to protect breeding seasons Scientists make recommendations to the fisheries managers
Fisheries Management, cont’d Fisheries managers set the Total Allowable Catch (TAC), the total tonnage of fish that the fleet can catch They also set quotas, total tonnage of fish that a fisher can catch
Mismanagement Poor science leads to poor estimates Managers disregard scientists recommendations Fishers do not obey quotas Other factors may deplete the population - foreign fishers, weather, pollution