English III - Vocabulary Lesson 3 epithet laudable evasive lucid evoke perpetuate foreshadow scrutinize infer symposium
epithet Noun a descriptive name
evasive adjective Misleading; not clear
evoke verb to bring out; to summon
perpetuate Verb To keep going; to sustain
foreshadow verb To hint; to suggest beforehand
infer verb To conclude using reason or observation
laudable Adjective Praiseworthy
lucid Adjective Easily understood; clear
scrutinize Verb To examine; to look at closely
symposium noun A meeting
English III - Vocabulary Lesson 4 affluent imbibe banter nostalgic brevity novice connotation reiterate embellish stipend
affluent adjective Wealthy; abundant
banter Noun (words used) to tease or mock
novice Noun a beginner
brevity noun Briefness; shortness
connotation noun implied meaning
embellish verb To decorate; to add to
imbibe verb To drink; to absorb
nostalgic adjective a longing for the past
stipend noun Pay; money; salary
reiterate verb To restate; to repeat