Starter 5/03/18 Have you ever gotten a coin flattened? Have you ever gotten a foreign coin? Have you ever gotten a very old coin? Have you ever gotten a coin that meant something to you? Draw a piece of jewelry that has a coin in it.
jewelry Making Coin bracelets
Agenda Review of last time Take notes on how to make a coin bracelet Watch demo on how to make a coin bracelet We will continue to solder ring bands While you are waiting you can make your coin jewelry.
Last time We learned how to make a rings. Each of you took notes on how to make a ring. Once done everyone got back to their tribal bracelets and stamping rings. If you were not here last time you need get the notes.
Coin Jewelry Supplies Drill Drill bits about 20 to 22 gage or the size of the wire for your jump rings Small file Coins 20 to 22 gage wire Round nose pliers Flat nose pliers Cutters Dowel for jump rings
Step 1 Gather your supplies and decide how you want your jewelry piece to look. Mark your coins where you will be putting your holes. This will be different depending on how you want you jewelry to look You can treat it as a charm or pendant You can treat it as a bead or link
Step 2 Stamp and drill holes in your coins where you have marked them.
Step 3 File the coins so they are smooth on the back side.
Step 4 Create the jump rings, wire wrappings, or chain that will hold your coins. Add clasp and your done.
Studio Time Finish tribal bracelet. Solder your ring. Design your coin jewelry. Get your coins drilled. Make jump rings or figure eights for your coin jewelry. If waiting to solder work on your coin jewelry