Taboo Plenary - Rules You will be split into two teams One member from each of your teams needs to sit at the front of the class, but with their back to the board Team 1 has 30 seconds to describe the word on the board without mentioning the word itself. If the person from team 1 guesses the word correctly, they score a point and team 2 take the next go. If the person from team 1 fails to identify the word, then team 2 get 20 seconds to describe the word to their person. Team 2 get the next go whether their person identifies the word correctly or not.
Taboo Are you ready? Here we go with the first word
Taboo Text box
Taboo margins
Taboo White space
Taboo DTP
Taboo Picture frame
Taboo consistency
Taboo Tie Breaker: Guide Lines