7. Erikson’s theory of development stage with key facts Dynamics Development Paper Doll – in class project 1. Life Stage & age range 1 6. Key Emotional Development Features 2. Key Cognitive/Intellectual Features 6 3 2 3. Key Physical Development Features 5. Key Social Development Features Create outline of stage shape 10 points each area (min 2 facts each stage) 20 points time & effort evident (easy to read, visually appealing, accurate information) 4. Fun Fact for this stage 4 5 7. Erikson’s theory of development stage with key facts
7. Erikson’s theory of development stage with key facts 1. Life Stage & age range 2. Key Cognitive/Intellectual Features Or make 7 paper dolls, each one containing features 4. Fun Fact for this stage 3. Key Physical Development Features 7. Erikson’s theory of development stage with key facts 5. Key Social Develop-ment Features 6. Key Emotional Development Features
Name Date Period Developmental Doll Summary Notes Age Range Cognitive Features Physical Emotional Social Erikson’s vs Infant Toddler Preschool child School-aged child
Age Range Cognitive Features Physical Emotional Social Erikson’s vs Adolescent Young adult Middle-aged adult Older adult