IAC NYS BUDGET PRESENTATION 2019-20 Presented at the Queens Developmental Disabilities Council February 4, 2019
Unless the child has a developmental disability! “…every child, rich and poor, black and white, urban and rural, deserves the same quality education.” -Governor Andrew Cuomo, 2019 Justice Agenda presentation Unless the child has a developmental disability! Tell Governor Cuomo, #OurKidsareYOURKids!
Fact Checking: The Governor proudly states that since 2011 education aid has increased by 42%. During this same period 853 special education schools have received 22% and 4410 preschools have received just 8%! This lack of funding prevents our schools from paying teachers’ salaries anywhere near what school districts pay. Teachers who work for school districts also work 10 months rather than 12 as our teachers do, and have far superior benefits. In fact……………………. Our teachers earn between $20,000 and $40,000 less than teachers who work for school districts. The average turnover rate in our schools is over 28%! The vacancy rate for our schools is 28% - that means that more than 1 in 4 teaching positions remains unfilled!
Kids with disabilities ARE entitled to the same quality education that every kid in New York State is entitled to! Call the Governor, your Senator, and your Assemblymember and say: A Justice Agenda that leaves out students with disabilities is UNJUST! While school districts have received 42% in increased funding since 2011, 853 schools have received 22% and 4410 preschools have received just 8%! The resulting salary differential between our teachers and school district teachers is $20,000 - $40,000 and our teachers work 12 months (instead of 10) with inferior benefits! The resulting average turnover rate is 28.5% and our kids need consistency more than others! The vacancy rate is 28% – without teachers, our kids are being denied a quality education! This is a crisis that MUST be addressed NOW!
OPWDD Accomplishments: 37,413 living in certified residential settings 3,665 receiving ISS Housing Subsidies 44,602 receiving Respite Servoices 54,057 in day habilitation services 11,893 in Supported Employment 33,278 in Community Habilitation 11,010 using Self Direction
OPWDD Overall, the budget proposes a 2.7% Increase in funding Human Services COLA - $0 and the Governor’s budget once again defers the COLA (2.9% this year) to 4-1-2020. #bFair2DirectCare - $0 – Attached is the #bFair2DirectCare coalition’s press release in response to the Governor failing to include the COLA or #bFair funding in his budget proposal. Development – another $30 million state share this year for a fully annualized all shares $120 million (state and Federal funding) in additional funding available for “Program Priorities,” including; certified housing supports in the community; more independent living; more day program and employment options and increased respite.
Housing – another $15 million in capital funds to develop independent living housing. Managed care readiness - $5 million to improve provider readiness for managed care through the development of best practices, performance measurement and outcome monitoring tools. OPWDD announced that this funding was intended for the NY Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation. “More efficient use of state resources” – OPWDD will continue to work with DOH and CMS on efficiencies including to “reconcile” room and board financial support against actual room and board costs and a proposal to modify rate methodology to reduce admin reimbursement to 15% in accordance with Executive Order 38 cap presumably on a program by program basis
Integrated outpatient services – adds Article 16s to the list of clinics that do not need an additional license to provide those services. Last year, Article 28, 31 and 32 clinics were granted joint licensure to provide any of those clinic services under their current license. Article 16 clinics are proposed to be included this year. Minimum wage funding - $47.4 million state funding (for a total of approximately $94.8 with the federal funds included.