Humans & The Sea
Evolution of Whales
Whaling Humans have been sailing the seas since civilization began Whaling was recorded in 5000 B.C. and in Norway at least 4000 years ago! Whale oil was used to make margarine & cooking oil Sperm Whale oil was used for: illuminating lamps, industrial lubricant and as a component in soap, cosmetics & perfumes
Picture Time!
International Whaling Commission IWC formed in 1946 Purpose was to conserve the whale stocks that were being depleted by commercial whaling USA became a member in 1948 and is still a very active member Did you know: The US had the largest whaling fleet in the nineteenth century (1800’s)? When oil was discovered, the need for whale oil declined
IWC, cont’d 1982 Whaling Moratorium What’s a moratorium? A legally authorized pause or delay of an action Still in place today Between 1990 & 1993, it was proposed to the IWC to lift the moratorium In 1993 the USA refused and stated they would impose sanctions against any country that continued to whale without IWC permission
Endangered/depleted Cetaceans Species included: Dolphins: Baiji, irawaddy, bottlenose Porpoises Vaquita Whales: Blue, humpback, fin, northern right, narwhal, bowhead
Right Whale Minke Whale Baiji Vaquita Stranded Fin Whale
Size of the Blue Whale
Whaling Photos