Reminders (8/8/17) Vocabulary Unit 6 Pic Quiz w/notes – Friday, 8/11 ‘big’ quiz no notes – next week – end of week (date to be determined) Be prepared to turn in your CEIEI Pre-Course Reading COMPLETED BY Monday, 8/21 If you are new to Hillgrove, it is your responsibility to view the PRE-COURSE reading assignment posted on the school website and speak to me with any questions you might have. Need a copy of The Tragedy of Othello (No Fear copy is OK) by Monday, 8/28
“Two Kinds” – CEI Paragraph (Turn in tomorrow – typed) How does the conflict (either internal OR external) develop the theme of the text? Write a CEIEI paragraph in response. Write a one sentence answer – a claim – to answer the question) Identify 2 pieces of textual evidence to support your claim. Interpret the evidence.
TED Talk Thursday: Analyzing Art As you watch the TED Talk video, jot down notes in response to the following questions: Why can art historical training prepare you for real world investigation? How can art be used as an instructional tool in academic subjects unrelated to art, art history, or fine art?
Vocabulary unit 6 #s 11-20 draw images
Drafting for Cultural Identity Essay Brainstorm ideas – 6 Things Draft Rough Draft due tomorrow – for peer revision using stoplight and rubric