Who I am is shaped by family, peers and the media Who I am is shaped by family, peers and the media. Agree with this statement using 2 specific examples.
Society makes us human.
Biological Sciences: Nature Social Sciences: Nurture
Society makes us human. Babies do not develop “naturally” into social adults. The process though which we learn the ways of society is called socialization.
A look at children who have had little human contact A look at children who have had little human contact. (No socialization) Feral Children What about the other way around?
How did you develop a “self” How did you develop a “self”? Charles Horton Cooley said “self is how society makes us human” Our sense of self develops from our interactions with others.
The Looking Glass Self 1. We imagine how we appear to those around us 2. We interpret others’ reactions 3. We develop a self-concept
Find a person in the room who you don’t know very well (I know this might be difficult). You will have 5 minutes to talk to your partner about anything (appropriate) you would like.
Write a paragraph on “ Your Partner’s Personality” Write a paragraph on “ Your Partner’s Personality”. (Be kind and gentle but truthful).
Now, write a paragraph on “What my Partner Thinks of my Personality” Now, write a paragraph on “What my Partner Thinks of my Personality”. Exchange papers when you have finished writing.
What cues did you use in assessing your partner’s personality What cues did you use in assessing your partner’s personality? Did these cues provide accurate or inaccurate information?
According to Cooley, development of the self does NOT depend on accuracy. Certain misjudgments can become part of our self-concept.
Role Taking George Herbert Mead said we learn to take the role of other. This helps to develop our self.
Stage 1: IMITATION Under age 3. Only mimic others No sense of self separate from others This stage prepares us for Role Taking Stage 2: PLAY Ages 3-6 Pretend to take the roles of specific people (Superman, fireman) Stage 3: TEAM GAMES After age 6/7 Play multiple roles Need to anticipate what others will do
Development of Reasoning Jean Piaget said children go through processes to learn how to reason
FORMAL OPERATIONAL STAGE SENSORIMOTOR STAGE Birth – age 2 Not able to “think” Do not understand cause and effect PREOPERATIONAL STAGE Age 2-7 Develop ability to use symbols No ability to take the role of others CONCRETE OPERATIONAL STAGE Age 7-12 Reasoning abilities are concrete Cannot talk about concepts like truth, honesty or justice FORMAL OPERATIONAL STAGE After age 12 Capable of abstract thinking
According to Piaget, there is a basic structure that underlies the way we reason. This is seen in children all over the world. How does this relate to self?