If you weren’t you Would you vote for yourself if you were running for a political office? Explain to me why you would be a great choice or a horrible choice as a politician?
Looking at the Legislature Break down the Legislative Branch, the Georgia General assembly Simplify how a bill becomes a law Classroom Congress where we will figure out who will represent us
Breakdown of General Assembly Broken into two houses (bicameral) Has House of Representatives and Senate The largest branch of Georgian government
Georgia House of Reps 180 members in the house The Speaker of the house is the person who presides over it Majority leader: Representative that promotes the interests of the majority in the house Minority leader: Same as Majority except leads the minority Floor Leader: Representative that ensures that the governor’s interests are represented
Georgia Senate Has 56 members The Lt. Governor presides over the senate, called the president of Senate Has the same leaders in the Senate Compares to Prime Minister in UK
Combing through Committees Most of the work is done in subcommittees 36 committees in House and 26 in the Senate Standing Comm: Permanent Committee Ad hoc Comm: Committee made up for a special purpose Joint Comm: Senate and House members combined Conference Comm: Senate and House members compromise on a law
Process of a Bill -> Law Proposal is written Proposal is given to committees Committee figure out what to do Bill is voted on in house Bill is sent to Senate committee Bill is voted on in Senate Governor signs the Bill
Classroom Congress We will figure out what two people would be great choices to help lead the class These two will meet with me every week to give me advice on how the class would work well
The Votes
Battling Bullying We will discuss the problems and issues with bullying Write about this How can the use of social media “echo and amplify” bullying?