If you could rewrite it If you could rewrite anything you have ever done and change an event what event would that be? Would changing that one event really affect the rest of your life or would it just be nice? If it doesn’t affect you in some way maybe you should think of another event
Plan of action for today Analyze a timeline of events for SS8H5 Take a quiz over SS8H5 Land Lottery Example
White History Native History Set it up this way All of page 20 and 21 will be a timeline of events of the trail of tears Draw a horizontal line across and mark the important events that we mention Top will be white events and the bottom will be Cherokee Events We will stop with 30 minutes left to take the quiz White History Native History
Timeline of SS8H5 1785 1795 1804 1793 1796 1845 1828 1830 1832 1813 1790 1838 1821 1835 1825
Testing the Times Try your best on this assessment When you are done with your assessment raise your hand and we will pick it up You can start the next activity We will discuss the activity when everyone is done with the assessment
Yancey Land Lottery You will get a plot of land and you will have to come up with what you will do with it Answer the questions on the back of the sheet in your interactive notebook on page 17
The Three Ties I want you to think about three things that connect Native American History and White American History. You can think of wars, you can think of discoveries, I want you to really think outside the box. Be prepared to share at least one of your connections.