5 3 1 Alphabet Challenge Rubric Name: Date: Accuracy of Alphabet Accuracy of Alphabet Student perfected the alphabet Clearly spent a lot of time preparing Student mixed up 2-3 letters Student was well prepared Student mixed up many letters Student showed lack of effort and preparation Student mixed up most letters Obvious that student did not prepare Letter & Word Accuracy Student matched letters with words accurately and with ease Student struggled with 2-3 words but new the majority with ease Student struggled with multiple words and was not confident with many Student did not know any letter and word matches Student was not prepared Letter & Sound Accuracy Student showed clear preparation of letter and sound combinations Received perfect score Student struggled with 2-3 letter and sound combinations Student was confident with the majority of combinations Student was confident with few letter and sound combinations Student showed lack of preparation Student was not confident with any letter and sound combinations Student did not show any proof of preparation Pronunciation, Slow, & Smooth Speech On students turn they spoke slowly, smoothly, and had clear pronunciation On students turn they spoke slowly, smoothly, and had a little trouble with pronunciation On students turn they spoke fast, not very smoothly, and struggle with pronunciation On students turn they spoke very quickly, not smoothly, and showed no effort of correct pronunciation