Positioning Guide for Officials 2011-2012 Season 2 Referee & 1 Linesman System
Key Elements * At a blue line, a Referee will release a Linesman when play becomes established in the attacking zone. At a blue line, a Linesman will not release a Referee. (unless that line becomes uncovered due to a Referee being pushed off that line. The Referee not involved in puck retrieval or marking a spot will handle the line change. On ice strength of teams will not affect these elements. Linesman will conduct all face-offs. Closest official will retrieve the puck on icings. The referee closest to the puck will retrieve the puck on an off-side called by the linesman.
National Anthem
Start of Game/Period
Play Referee releases Linesman once play has established in the end zone. Play moves into Zone
Play Play moves out of Zone
Play stalls in Neutral Zone
Play moves into other Zone
Play Established in Zone Referee releases Linesman once play has established in end zone. Play Play Established in Zone
Play Play moves out of Zone
Icing, Play moves out of Zone (1 of 4) Puck Icing, Play moves out of Zone (1 of 4)
Icing, Play moves out of Zone (2 of 4)
Icing, Play moves out of Zone (3 of 4)
Icing, Play moves out of Zone (4 of 4) Referee not involved in icing, handles the line change. Icing, Play moves out of Zone (4 of 4)
Icing, Play Established in Zone (1 of 4) “Safety Valve” Puck Puck Icing, Play Established in Zone (1 of 4)
Icing, Play Established in Zone (2 of 4) Puck Puck Icing, Play Established in Zone (2 of 4)
Icing, Play Established in Zone (3 of 4)
Icing, Play Established in Zone (4 of 4) Referee not involved in icing, handles the line change. Icing, Play Established in Zone (4 of 4)
Award Goal/Assess Penalty (1 of 3)
Award Goal/Assess Penalty (2 of 3) Happy Bench Award Goal/Assess Penalty (2 of 3)
Award Goal/Assess Penalty (3 of 3)
Offside call by Linesman (1 of 3)
Offside call by Linesman (2 of 3)
Offside call by Linesman (3 of 3)
Neutral Zone Face-offs
End Zone Face-offs
Happy Bench After Goal
Referee not involved, handles the line change. Net is dislodged
Debris removed from Ice Referee not involved, handles the line change Debris removed from Ice
8 Second Mechanics (Lines cover) The Referee or Linesman opposite the deep referee will move to the goal line. 8 Second Mechanics (Lines cover)
8 Second Mechanics (Ref cover) The Referee or Linesman opposite the deep referee will move to the goal line. 8 Second Mechanics (Ref cover)
Goalkeeper Substitution
Time Out
X X X X X O O O O O Handshake
Key Elements * At a blue line, a Referee will release a Linesman when play becomes established in the attacking zone. At a blue line, a Linesman will not release a Referee. (unless that line becomes uncovered due to a Referee being pushed off that line. The Referee not involved in puck retrieval or marking a spot will handle the line change. On ice strength of teams will not affect these elements. Linesman will conduct all face-offs. Closest official will retrieve the puck on icings. The referee closest to the puck will retrieve the puck on an off-side called by the linesman.
Positioning Questions?