Next Novel… You should be approaching the end of your first novel. If you have already finished then you can move on to the next book. If you are not done: Budget your pages right now!!! How many pages a day will allow you to finish in 10 days?
New Entry: Questioning/ Foreshadowing You must find a passage that is probably early on in the novel. You are looking for a passage that raised a lot of questions in your mind. Some of these questions you may have been able to answer by now. Other questions you may be able to predict or infer. Others may be confusing to you and you’re really not sure.
Sample Passage
Questioning You will follow the same format as any other entry. Paragraph One: Intro/ Context Paragraph Two: Include a passage that struck up some questions in your mind. Paragraph Three: Explain what questions you had and how you attempted to answer them. Did they come up again? Were they ever resolved? How did you problem solve? Paragraph Four: Conclusion How did this questioning help you to understand the novel better? Were you right in your predictions? Were there too many questions?