Aim: How were the roles of Saul, David & Solomon Similar?
Israelites United 1020 to 922 BCE Israelites united under 3 kings Saul David Solomon New kingdom called Israel For 100 years, Israel enjoyed power & independence 2
King Saul Chosen because of success in driving out Philistines Portrayed by Bible as tragic man Full of Jealousy 3
King David Saul’s son-in-law Popular leader United tribes (12) Reuben Gad Simeon Asher Levi Issachar Judah Zebulun Dan Joseph Naphtali Benjamin Established Jerusalem as capital 4
King Solomon David’s son Most powerful king Built trading empire Beautified the capital city of Jerusalem Crowning achievement Building the Temple (Temple of Solomon) Permanent home of the Ark of the Covenant 5
Kingdom Divides Solomon’s projects required high taxes Strained kingdoms finances Expenses caused discontent After Solomon’s Death Jew in the north revolted 922 BCE- Kingdom splits in 2 Israel was in north Judah was in South Northern kingdom destroyed Only Judah remains Israelites called Jews 6