Creative Writing New Year’s Lesson
Welcome Back! To start the New Year off right, we’re going to do a creative New Year’s writing lesson. Writing Prompt: Listen to these songs about change and for each one, free write whatever comes to mind (poetry, story, journaling) about changes in your own life as you start a fresh year. Song 1 Song 2 Song 3 Song 4 After we have listened to all of the songs, read over what you wrote and write down a single word (adventure, purpose, presence, anxiety, balance) that comes to mind after reading your own ideas about change right now. Partner share/class share of single word
Woody Guthrie and 33 Rulins On January 1, 1943, the American folk music legend Woody Guthrie jotted in his journal a list of 33 “New Years Rulin’s.” Nowadays, we’d call them New Year’s Resolutions. Adorned by doodles, the list is down to earth by any measure. Family, song, taking a political stand, personal hygiene — they’re the values or aspirations that top his list. Read over your copy of the list and highlight the ones that resonate with you or that you find humorous or interesting. Now, have fun and create your own list of “Rulins”. Choose from the numbers 33 (like Guthrie), 17 (for the new year), 12 (one for each month in the year), or your age. Add doodles to yours like Guthrie did and make it colorful and creative! We will share with partners and a few with the class. Have fun!
Poems about the New Year On the back of your “Rulins” handout are two songs by Woody Guthrie about change, moving on, and starting fresh. Read these songs for inspiration and think about the songs we listened to before, then write your own poem or song about the new year. We will share with partners and a few as a class. Consider these questions to inspire your poem: What do you hope for this year? What do you want to leave behind? What do you want to start fresh with? What do you want to continue?