Analyzing an Argument
Understand what the author is saying Purpose – persuade or report? Examine methods Quote sources Statistics Examples Analogies Ridicule
Who is the audience Organize your analysis Sequence Simple to complex Move from sound claims to unsound claims Move through argument and then construct your own claim Examine the author’s persona Friendly Authoritative Tentative Light
Analyzing an Author’s intended audience Who published it? In what format does it appear? (print, journal, blog, etc.) Formal or informal language & how does the language effect the argument What shared values do you have with the author? What strategies does the authors use to connect with the audience?
Checklist for analyzing a text Author Audience Thesis Assumptions made by the author Confusion and fact, beliefs, opinions Appeals - ethos, logos, pathos Convincing evidence Objections and counter evidence addressed Is the organization effective? Visual Materials Author’s tone Has the author convinced me? Why?