Today is Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Warm Up: Draw a picture of the digestive system in your notebooks (5 minutes) Goal: TLW demonstrate an understanding of the digestives system by illustrating and labeling a diagram. Standard: Life Science: Students know the sequential steps of digestion and the roles of teeth and the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and colon in the function of the digestive system.
Mouth Epiglottis (not shown)
Mouth (teeth, salivary glands, tongue) – breaks down food Mouth (teeth, salivary glands, tongue) – breaks down food. Saliva has chemicals that digest food. Tongue helps you to taste and move food.
Esophagus – carries food to the stomach; muscles help to squeeze and push food down
Epiglottis – covers the trachea so food doesn’t go down that pipe
Stomach – produces fluids that help to digest food into a soupy paste
Small Intestine – more digestion occurs, nutrients absorbed into the walls of small intestines. Villi increase surface area to allow more absorption of food
Large Intestine – takes water and salts out of the waste, making it more solid. Solid waste is squeezed out
Liver, pancreas – Creates chemicals that are released into the small intestines to digest food
Now look at the drawings you did for the warm up again… Now look at the drawings you did for the warm up again…..add to your drawings and add some color as well. Below your drawing in your notebook write one new thing you learned today.