Whick works best for charging a phone? Zalen duffey 12/6
Scientific Question .What portable generator would work most efficiently for charging a phone.
Background I chose this to see if I could construct a successful magnet motor.To see if a r/c car motor had enough power to charge a phone.Whick motor was best for charging a phone.
Hypothesis If I test a magnet motor and an r/c motor for charging a phone then the R/C motor will work best.
Variables Dependent-The amount of battery after charging a phone. Independent-Battery after test. Control-The motors.
Procedure →Build magnet motor →Get r/c motor →connect generator to magnet motor and charge →Connect r/c motor to generator and charge →Record data
Data Type Of Battery Battery Percentage 100% After tTest Type Of Battery 100% --------------------------- 0% -----------------------------------------------------------------
Data Battery percentages at 0% because the motor were not powerful.The magnet motor was not successful at all because there were no known successful blueprints on a magnet motor.
Conclusion →Which motor works best for charging a phone? →Attempt to charge a phone using magnet and r/c motors. →Magnet motor was not successful at working.R/C motor was not powerful enough to generate power with the generator. →No the data did not support the hypothesis because my hypothesis was that the r/c motor would work best but neither motor did. →I learned that neither magnet motors or r/c motor work best for charging a phone because they don’t generate enough electricity. →A problem was constructing a successful magnet motor.Getting the motor to charge the pnone and yet neither of those thing were successful.↓
Conclusion →Improvements that could have been made are a stronger r/c motor,a successful magnet motor,possibly a bigger better generator.