MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2018 TARGET BELLWORK CLASSWORK HOMEWORK Analyze ways the Constitution guards against tyranny BELLWORK 60 Second Civics CLASSWORK DBQ: How Does the Constitution Guard Against Tyranny? Review Documents Tree Map/Plan for Presentation Begin writing and creating HOMEWORK Summative due on Wednesday at the start of class
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2018 TARGET BELLWORK CLASSWORK HOMEWORK Analyze ways the Constitution guards against tyranny BELLWORK Political Cartoon Analysis CLASSWORK DBQ: How Does the Constitution Guard Against Tyranny? Last day to work on summative in class Make sure you are clearly communicating your critical thinking skills to answer the DBQ question HOMEWORK Summative due tomorrow when you walk into class
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2018 TARGET BELLWORK CLASSWORK HOMEWORK Analyze ways the Constitution guards against tyranny BELLWORK 60 Second Civics CLASSWORK Turn in Summative essays to the A.T.M. Second Quarter Standards Review HOMEWORK Work on second quarter standards
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2018 TARGET BELLWORK CLASSWORK HOMEWORK Analyze ways the Constitution guards against tyranny BELLWORK Have out Civics standards packet CLASSWORK Complete Second Quarter Standards Practice questions Tutorials HOMEWORK Work on second quarter standards if needed
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2018 TARGET BELLWORK CLASSWORK HOMEWORK Analyze ways the Constitution guards against tyranny BELLWORK CNN10 – Make real-world connections CLASSWORK Review second quarter standards Review questions Tutorials HOMEWORK Study for civics quarter exam next week!