AP review
To review As we review for the AP test there will several activities you will required to complete (if you are not taking the test, you will have different homework assignments, but are required to do the in-class activities): In class: AP MC practice and analysis Outlining essay response Games, competitions, informal presentations Homework: AP reviews: Pick a passage from an AP review book (your own copy, a photo of the in-class book, or using the on-line pdf I will post) Annotate it, liberally Answer the MC questions accompanying it Correct it Assess the areas where you are struggling This will change as we go through our review (review #1 will be different from review #3, for example)
Tips and Tricks Jigsaw With a small group, read the following sections of the AP prep book and create a poster which illustrates the information learned for the rest of the class: English Grammar: 78-79 Rhetoric: 80-85 Diction and Connotation: 85-87 Metaphorical Language: 87-90 Footnotes: 90-92 Synthesis Essay and source validity: 111-115 How to write a Synthesis: 116-127
Become an Expert You and a small group will be come an “expert” on two questions from an AP style MC test (MC #13) Expert means: you will know all of the ins and outs, all of the details, and all of the whys behind your questions and their answer choices You and your group will be randomly selected to present your expert testimony (on Thursday). Not everyone will get to present, but you won’t know until the day of so you need to be ready. Create a powerpoint or prezi for your group to present This will need to discuss both questions, and their answer choices Why right, why wrong What about the question made it difficult and how you got around this difficulty
MC #13 Answers Wollstonecraft 91. E 92. A 93. D 94. B 95. C 96. A 97. E 98. C 99. D 300. A Hurston 1935 32. D 33. B 34. E 35. D 36. B 37. C 38. D 39. A 40. A 41. B 42. C 43. E 44.B