An Introduction to Basic Problem Solving Skills By Dave Batty T501.09 4-2013
A. What are their old ways of solving problems? T501.09 4-2013
What are the big issues related to solving problems? 1. Face your problems. Don’t run from your problems. James 1:2 T501.09 4-2013
2. What is God’s way out of this problem. 3 2. What is God’s way out of this problem? 3. What is God’s way to live healthy and avoid this problem in the future? T501.09 4-2013
C. What are the basic steps to use in solving problems? 1. Ask yourself, “Do I want to change?” T501.09 4-2013
2. What caused this problem? T501.09 4-2013
3. What does God’s Word say about resolving this problem. 4 3. What does God’s Word say about resolving this problem? 4. Apply the “put off, put on” strategy of Colossians 3:1-17 T501.09 4-2013
5. Demolish arguments that set themselves up against God’s truth 5. Demolish arguments that set themselves up against God’s truth. 2 Corinthians 10:5 T501.09 4-2013
6. What is the damage in my life that this problem has caused 6. What is the damage in my life that this problem has caused? What steps do I need to take to repair this damage? T501.09 4-2013
7. What growth needs to take place in my life so that I can overcome this problem? What is God’s part? What is my part? What is the other person’s part? T501.09 4-2013
8. How does a person of accountability fit into this solution? T501.09 4-2013
We all need to develop a “toolbox for life” with tools we can use to address the problems in our lives. T501.09 4-2013
We all face problems in our lives. We must all learn to use biblical strategies to solve problems in life. We all face problems in our lives. How we respond to these problems is the key to being an effective disciple of Jesus. T501.09 4-2013
Questions for discussion T501.09 4-2013 Contact us T501.10 April 5, 2013