Media Strategies English 3201
Bandwagon Appeals to desire for conformity. Get with the times, be part of the crowd!
Everyone in the know uses this brand
Together – everyone is doing it
Everyone knows!
Cartoon/Cute Character Entertainment value or cute character to sell the product
Celebrity Endorsement Public figure speaking on behalf of a product
Celebrity Endorsement
Emotional Appeal Oh, look how happy my child will be with Tropicana! Appeals to one of our Emotional needs
Emotional Appeal This poor child, what can I do to help?
Emotional Appeal “Smoking isn’t just suicide. It’s murder.”
Facts and Figures Tells the consumer that this has been proven the best or most effective. Often “tests” have been conducted to prove this
Gender/Sex Appeal Uses sex or gender connection to sell a product
Name Calling Uses slander of the opponent to win support
Plain Folks Appeals to people who fell they want products for ordinary folks, feel they are part of average society
Plain Folks
Shock Appeal This technique involves shocking you into believing that you should buy or do something
Snob Appeal Associates the product with a luxury or glamorous lifestyle For people who “want only the best”
Snob Appeal
Testimonial Based on one individual’s Story Often a good luck story
Facts and Figures
Shock Appeal?
Women shouldn’t suffer from discrimination anymore What techniques are used to capture your attention? What is the message? What is the subtext? Who created this message?
What technique is used here?