How do plants and animal cell differ? Chapter 2.5 How do plants and animal cell differ?
What is the difference between the plant and animal cells? 1. cell wall 2. vacuole 3. chloroplast
1. Cell wall CELL WALL- all plants have a cell wall. Animal cells do not have a cell wall. A cell wall surrounds the cell membrane of a plant cell. The cell wall is made up of a hard material called cellulose. Wood is made up mostly of cellulose. The cell wall has 3 jobs: protects the plant cell gives its shape supports the cell
2. Vacuoles VACUOLES- Plant cells have only one or two very large vacuoles. But animal cells have many small vacuoles. When it rains, plants will store water in vacuoles.
3. Chloroplasts CHLOROPLASTS- most plants have a green round organelle called chloroplast. Chloroplast has chlorophyll which gives a plant its green color. Plants use chlorophyll to make food from the sun. Animals have no chloroplasts.
Checking concepts: What are the three jobs of a cell wall?
What is cellulose?
How do the vacuoles in animal cells differ from those in plant cells?
What are chloroplasts?
Which one of the following organisms contain cellulose: a pine tree, a cow, a rabbit, a fern, a grass, a goldfish?
Large plants do not have a skeleton or frame Large plants do not have a skeleton or frame. How can large plants stand without skeletons?
Fill in blanks. All plants have ____________. An organelle, called _________, has chlorophyll that makes plant have a green color. Plant cells have ______ vacuoles, whereas animal cells have __________ vacuoles. Cellulose is made up of a hard material called _____________. Chloroplasts has a material called ______________ that gives a plant its green color.