Malthusian Theory on Overpopulation FRQ
Theory was written by Malthus in 1798 Time Frame Theory was written by Malthus in 1798 The Theory Food growth is linear The problem: At the time, the amount of arable land was finite What would a farmer have to do to if they wanted to produce 5 units of wheat? Plant one more acre Amount = 1 unit of wheat = 1 acre Time
Population growth is exponential Food growth is linear The Theory Population growth is exponential J-Curve (Doubling Time) Amount Time
Population will eventually outpace food Food growth is linear The Theory Population growth is exponential The only way to produce lower birth rates is moral restraint. Otherwise disease, famine, or war will check population Population will eventually outpace food Amount Time
Population has generally grown as predicted by Malthus Why do some geographers today believe Malthus’ theory CAN be used to predict future population issues? Population has generally grown as predicted by Malthus Lack of access to contraceptives and low levels of education for women This growth is most pronounced in the Developing World . . . WHY?
Why do some geographers today believe Malthus’ theory CAN be used to predict future population issues? Population has been rising quicker than predicted by Malthus due to the diffusion of medical technology to developing world Explosion of population But fertility rates have not dropped fast enough in these countries With lowered infant mortality and increasing life expectancy, population has exploded in the developing world
Why do some geographers today believe Malthus’ theory CAN be used to predict future population issues? Food Supply has increased, but it has not kept up with population increase Many countries are unable to adopt the agricultural innovations that have led to increased food production Since subsistence agriculture is inefficient, overall food production is low in these countries In many developing countries, a large percentage of people still practice subsistence agriculture
Why do some geographers today believe Malthus’ theory CAN be used to predict future population issues? Food Supply has increased, but it has not kept up with population increase Desertification and overuse of land is limiting the amount of arable land available
Farmland is being converted to urban use Why do some geographers today believe Malthus’ theory CAN be used to predict future population issues? Farmland is being converted to urban use
Over Population is putting a strain on resources and the environment Why do some geographers today believe Malthus’ theory CAN be used to predict future population issues? Over Population is putting a strain on resources and the environment
Population has generally not grown as predicted by Malthus Why do some geographers today believe Malthus’ theory CAN NOT be used to predict future population issues? Population has generally not grown as predicted by Malthus Due to global increases in development and increased access to contraceptives
Food Supply has grown faster than predicted by Malthus Why do some geographers today believe Malthus’ theory CAN NOT be used to predict future population issues? Food Supply has grown faster than predicted by Malthus With improvements in food production food can grow exponentially Amount One example the Green Revolution with genetically modified crops, multicropping which increased yields Food production as predicted by Malthus Time
Food Supply has grown faster than predicted by Malthus Why do some geographers today believe Malthus’ theory CAN NOT be used to predict future population issues? Food Supply has grown faster than predicted by Malthus Greater efficiencies such as mechanization and industrial agriculture Time
This means more food is available to more people globally Why do some geographers today believe Malthus’ theory CAN NOT be used to predict future population issues? Our ability to preserve food and/or distribute food to areas of need is much greater than during Malthus’ time. This means more food is available to more people globally
Your Task What is a FRQ? In 1798 Thomas Robert Malthus published An Essay on the Principle of Population in which he made many arguments about population growth. Identify and explain TWO reasons why some geographers today believe Malthus’ theory can be used predict future population issues. B. Identify and explain TWO reasons why some geographers today believe Malthus’ theory cannot be used to predict future population issues.