Water Scarcity & Droughts Policy in the EU Gap Analysis


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Presentation transcript:

Water Scarcity & Droughts Policy in the EU Gap Analysis In cooperation with Presentation to the SCG Brussels, May 11Th 2011 Project commissioned by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL ENVIRONMENT Directorate D - Water, Chemicals & Biotechnology

Rationale & context The Gap Analysis of the measures developed to tackle Water Scarcity & Droughts is a contribution to move WS&D through the policy agenda and will feed into the Blueprint. This Gap Analysis is conducted in parallel with other related studies: -Water performance of buildings -Leakage reduction in water distribution networks -Water savings in agriculture -Water pricing in agriculture -Water footprinting and product labelling

Specific objectives An overview of magnitude of the WS&D problem in Europe for today up to 2030, accounting for climate change Identification and assessment of the adequacy of existing measures to prevent, manage or mitigate WS&D situations in Member States (national, regional or local level) (ex-post) Identification of gaps and suggest new measures or mix of measures to tackle WS&D issues in the EU Assessment environmental, economic and social impacts and the feasibility of the proposed measures (ex-ante)

General approach Development of a baseline scenario Categories and assess the effectiveness of WS&D measures Identify gaps related to this baseline In-depth assessment of the objectives for a revised WS&D policy Task 1: Analysis of the present situation in the EU & predictions for the future Complete in-depth assessments of measures tackling WS&D Compile information in a common assessment framework Task 2: Collect data and assess the social, economic and environmental impacts and the feasibility of the identified measures Support the Commission in related consultation processes Final report and policy makers’ summary Tasks 3 & 4: Support the Commission in the stakeholder consultation process and provide supporting documents to policy makers 1 2

Part 1 – Assessing the baseline: status quo to 2030 & Gap Analysis

Part 2 – Assessing the impact of new WS&D measures to 2030


Next milestone Inception report summarising: Methodology and work plan Baseline scenario Preliminary screening and the draft list of measures to be studied The main preliminary results will be shared to you for comments and suggestions over the summer