Getting Acquainted with the Bible Bible Basics Getting Acquainted with the Bible Week 4
We Affirm… That all scripture is inspire by God That scripture is authoritative That scripture is necessary for our salvation
The Bible: Languages
Languages Hebrew Aramaic Greek
Religious Authority By authority we mean the right to command belief and/or action.
The Importance of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit helps us understand the workings/acts of God. The Holy Spirit helps guide us regarding the matter of certainty The Holy Spirit helps us overcome our human limitations that come about due to sin
The value of the Holy Spirit Teach believers all things and bring to our remembrance all that Christ had taught us (Jn 14:26) Bears witness to the Person of Christ (Jn 15:26- 27) Convict the world of sin (Jn 16:8) Will guide the believer into all the truth (Jn 16:13)
Components of Authority Objective Subjective
The Bible and Reason
The Meaning of the Bible: Than & Now Historical Authority Normative Authority