European Statistical System Network on Culture (ESSnet Culture)


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Presentation transcript:

European Statistical System Network on Culture (ESSnet Culture) Working Group 2 - Financing and Expenditure The Czech Republic Luxembourg, 7.-8. December 2009

Specific objectives 1 Area of public financing and expenditure: Propose a common data-gathering scheme Consider harmonising concepts and data-gathering procedures Develop a framework concept and guidelines for future data collections Produce data tables and indicators for participating countries, accompanied by a clear indication of shortcomings regarding comparability

Specific objectives 2 Area of household budget data: Delineation and grouping of cultural household expenditure Production of tables and indicators

Deliverables According to the working plan, intermediary reports related to the progress will be produced by August 2010 A report related to the needs for the final report of the project will be transmitted by mid 2011

Milestones Presentation of working plan to involved countries in enlarged Task Forces meetings as well as during a launching conference (last semester 2009) Analysis of the existing inventories and studies in the different fields (by February 2010) Possible data collections for preparation of the interim report (by September 2010) Finalisation of the definite report (mid-2011) Presentation of realized work to involved countries in the enlarged Task Forces meetings as well as during the final conference (by August 2011)

Basic source documents Basic aims of the WG 2 (Financing and Expenditure) - 2008 Final report TF on Cultural Expenditure and Financing (Eurostat - 03/2004) Public financing of culture in Europe – survey report (Eurostat – 4-5/03/2004) Analysis on public cultural expenditure (ERIES – France, 2004) International Measurement of the Economic and Social Importance of Culture (OECD – 08-09/2006) Financing the Arts and Culture in the European Union (European Parliament - 11/2006)

Pocket Book „Cultural Statistics 2007“ (Eurostat 2007) Report on international data sources for cultural statistics (Eurostat – 06-07/2008) How to start International Comparison in Expenditure and Financing Art and Culture (Hofecker‘s study – 12/2008) The 2009 UNESCO Framework for cultural statistics (UNESCO – 02/2009)

Working group 2 (structure)

Working Group 2 - Financing and Expenditure Working Schedule of decisive working phases on the ESSnet Culture project Working Group 2 - Financing and Expenditure

Up to this moment realized working phases :

Phase 1 First meeting of the CZSO interdepartmental WG Incorporation of the working team's comments into proposal of the working schedule Translation of the working schedule into English language and submission of this document to the main coordinator Mr.Guy Frank to approval Submission of approved document to Mr.Otto Hofecker as a „participant“ Compilation of final version of the working schedule and sending of it to „participant“ and all „members“ Before project start ( - 0 )

Phase 2 September 2009 = time O Specification (definitions, descriptions) of all potential cultural domains, sub-domains and economic concepts (indicators) at the level of corresponding statistical practice within the scope of EU countries (at that time still without co-operation with the WG 1) Sending of all fundamental documents, relating to the project and objectives of WG 2 first of all, to all interested persons (in the role of „participant“ and „members“ as well) September 2009 = time O

Phase 3 Mapping of existing data sources within the frame of the Czech Republic: at the level of statistical surveys (incl. household budget survey) from administrative data sources November 2009

The working phase in process

Phase 4 1) Submission of the proposals, resulting from outputs of the phases 2 and 3, to all members and participant of the WG 2 (in the form of tabular summary) 2) Obtaining following information from members of the WG 2: their standpoints and suggestions to the proposal ad. 1 all available information relating to data collection from area of cultural statistics February 2010

Working phases in the future

Phase 5 Analysis of the outputs (from the phases 2,3,4) Processing of conclusions related to the first stage of activities on the project related to the Czech Republic situation: Equal approaches Different approaches Uncovered areas May 2010

Phase 6 Elaboration of the system of data collection proposals: Description of the system incl. its key aims Definitions of all indicators Conditions for its realization Supposed implementation and putting in practice Specification of negative phenomena, which do not enable required data reliability and comparability July 2010

Phase 7 Submission of the proposal (from the phase 6) to the countries participated in the project on position member of the WG 2 in order to acquire their proposals and comments Submission of the intermediate TF report August 2010

Phase 8 Compilation of final version of the data collection system (after incorporating of all proposals and comments coming) November 2010

Phase 9 Processing of tables proposal related to the future data collection, and its submission to the countries participated in the project on the position member of the WG 2 in order to acquire their proposals and comments January 2011 6

Phase 10 Creation of the final version of the tables (from the phase 9), after incorporating of all proposals and comments March 2011

Phase 11 Submission of the final version of the data collection system (from the phase 8) and the output tables (phase 10) to the main project coordinator May 2011

Phase 12 Elaboration of the Final report, relating to the grant project + other documents, required by the main coordinator within the scope of the project realization in accordance with his needs June – August 2011

Explanatory information In order to avoid any misunderstandings or ambiguities we consider as very important to mention following presumptions (explanatory information), completing 12 working phases of the Working Schedule:

Explanatory information 1 1. In addition to the project timing we take into consideration among others these facts as follow: In the process of project realization will be taking place many discussions and exchanges of opinions: at the level of the Czech interdepartmental WG (mainly CZSO working team) within the participants in the WG 2 (in a position of participants or members) with main coordinator of the project ESSnet Culture with representatives or leaders of the WG 1, 3 and 4 (especially then WG 1) at the level of other European authorities

b) We suppose: to carry out several, mostly bilateral meetings to submit to the main coordinator all fundamental outputs coming from WG 2 to compile interim report as well as final report in accordance with the recommendations of the main coordinator to submit to the main coordinator all necessary administrative documents

Explanatory information 2 2. We see in the nearest future that very important thing is to continue on the starting activities connected with “Accounts on Culture”. ESSnet Culture project should be very instrumental in future performance of mentioned aim.

Thank you for your attention