karen.Padelford@dvusd.org ~ 623-445-5544 Mrs. Padelford’s Penguins @Las Brisas! karen.Padelford@dvusd.org ~ 623-445-5544 Week of: September 3, 2018 Join the PTSA! Our PTSA at Las Brisas is top notch! If you have not had the opportunity to join the PTSA I highly encourage you to do so! With your annual membership, the PTSA is able to continue its support of our fabulous school, students, and staff. Plus, when you become a PTSA member, you are eligible to receive discounts through the National PTA organization. Oh yeah, if our classroom reaches 100% participation, we will have a pizza party! Class T-Shirts! *Class T-Shirt order forms (blue paper) went home last Tuesday. Our “Mrs. Padelford’s Penguins” shirt will be purple with white ink and will be fabulous! They are just $10 and checks should be made payable to MAGICAL MARKETING. *Please return your completed blue form and payment by September 7! Another form is on the back of this newsletter! BOX TOPS! Save your Box Tops for Education! Last year we earned over $3,100 in FREE money from our Box Top Collections! A flyer will come home soon with our 1st Collection Dates: September 17th – 21st. Upcoming Dates Thursday, September 6th 8:00-9:00AM Coffee with the Principal (for parents) Monday, September 10th No School – Fall Break Wednesday, September 26th Picture Day! Friday October 5th – Monday October 8th Thank you! Thank you for attending Curriculum Night last Tuesday! If you were unable to attend, please let me know if you are interested in receiving our 1st Grade handouts. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Please see the attached Family Times for this week’s story, “A Fox and a Kit.” Choose an activity or 2 from this page to complete. Practice, trace, and write our story sight words. Read “A Fox and a Kit.” Hi-Light sight words, words with short i and –s & –ing endings. Complete “Math Lesson 13” Homework. Ten Frame Read “A Fox and a Kit” again. Help your child complete the story map: main idea and 3 details. Complete Math “Lesson 16 Hwk.” *Turn in Homework *LIBRARY Remember to practice Creativity at home!