Jacob’s island, Bermondsey, London In what ways does this picture typify public health problems of this time?
What was the impetus for reform? 1830s reports, investigations etc. Lesson Aim: To be able to explain what made the government reform public health. 1830s reports, investigations etc. Cholera epidemic
Key Questions! When were the Cholera epidemics? What were the cures suggested? What was the problem with them? What did the government and Health board and local boards do? What did John Snow find out? What about Bazelgette? What did the reports say? What was the Health of Towns Association?
Map of Leeds after the Cholera epidemic, included in the propaganda of the Health of Towns Association. Blue spots: High deaths from cholera, Red spots: Contagious diseases, Shaded brown: Less clean areas.
How were reports etc. an impetus for reform? Why do you think reports like these were made? What do you think were the 3 key findings of the reports? Which report do you think was most influential at the time? Why?
What legislation was passed 1830-75? 1875 Plot all the reports/legislation on a timeline 1815-1870 – use different colours p141 Access.
RESOURCES Resources – use Ian’s sheets.
Early legislation 1848 Public Health Act Success Failure Later legislation
Pressures for further change 1875 Public Health Act Why was there opposition to provision in 1850s/60s? 1830 1875
Key developments - facts, figures and dates. Problem Key developments - facts, figures and dates. Verdict: Successfully fixed? Housing Water Food Human Waste Industrial Waste Disease