Senior English 3/4/19 Discuss the monster’s belief, “ I was the slave, not the master, of an impulse which I detested, yet could not disobey.” What did.


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 3/4/19 Discuss the monster’s belief, “ I was the slave, not the master, of an impulse which I detested, yet could not disobey.” What did the buddhist tell the hotdog vendor? Philodox – one who loves his own opinions. Goals – Examine the end of the story and possible meanings. Annotate Psychoanalytical Criticism. Begin thinking about a topic for your paper. Homework – Finish reading if you have not. Don’t forget to study for vocab. quiz #21. Make me one with everything.

Senior English 3/5/19 “In a fit of enthusiastic madness I created a rational creature, and was bound toward him, to assure, as far as my power, his happiness and well being.” Why is this statement ironic? Has Victor really changed from his experience? What acid has a bad attitude? Rowel – the wheel of a spur. Goals – Complete reading and annotation of Psychoanalytical Criticism. Discuss what Frankenstein has learned. Homework – Don’t forget Vocab 21 on Friday. a-mean-o acid

Senior English 3/6/19 What scenes from the book are you most likely to use for your paper? Why? Which lens? Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Bung hole – the hole through which beer enters a keg. Goals – Finish annotating Feminist and Psychoanalytical Lens. Take a look at the assignment sheet and rubric. Homework – none. Quiz 21 Friday It has great food but no atmosphere.

Why are blond jokes so short? Togate – toga wearing. Senior English 3/7/19 Which Critical Lens do you think you will be using? How do you think it will be connected? Why are blond jokes so short? Togate – toga wearing. Goals – Discuss assignment sheet and rubric. Group discussion of ideas about what to use as Grounds and warrants. Homework – Read and annotate the Rubric. Quiz 21 tomorrow. So men can remember them.

Senior English 3/8/19 Five minutes to study for Quiz #21. Why was the king only a foot tall? Denaturant – substance added to alcohol to make it unfit to drink. But still useful for commercial purposes. Goals –Successfully complete Vocabulary # 21. Read and annotate George Gordon Lord Byron’s Prometheus Homework – Free write about what you might say about the novel in a particular critical lens. Because he was a ruler.