Unit 4: Imperialism Part II 5.16.16
Goals What happened to the Armenians at the turn of the century? What evidence do we have of the crimes against the Armenians?
Step 1: Reading 5 different readings Take notes on the following topics: Ottoman Empire Life for Armenians Armenian Action Response to Armenians at home International Response Side note: Not all topics will apply to every reading
Step 2: Share Out As a group, share out the information you read about. Everyone should be adding to their notes. When your group finishes, wait quietly for everyone else.
Step 3: Discussion What options did Armenians have in their quest for equal rights? What strategies did they use? Why do you think they weren't successful in bringing about meaningful change? Who is responsible for protecting minorities when they are mistreated? Should all minority groups live within their own nation? Why do you think most Armenians rejected that strategy?
Unit 3: Nationalism to Imperialism 5.17.16
Housekeeping Field Trip Study Guide Yesterday’s readings
Gathering Evidence Use the reading to gather evidence of what happened to the Armenians Complete the row for your reading on your graphic organizer
Share Out As a group, share out the information you read about Everyone should be taking notes to complete their graphic organizer
Homework In 1 paragraph, please answer the following questions. Use evidence from the texts. What happened to the Armenians? How did people let this happen? What should others take away from a study of this moment in history?