• How innovative is this training concept and is anyone else operating in this space? It is innovative : It has PPPs.. It takes all value chain actors onboard, product concept and promotion, It attracts more investment in agriculture. Who else? Private MultiNational Companies
•What are the skills needed and what should the training content cover and not include? (e.g. datasheets, making a pitch for investment, communication skills, advocacy etc) Product Description Skills (from consumers viewpoint: detail) Business Case Development Skilss Social Skills Market Research Skills Multidisplinary interaction skills Communication skills Advocacy Skills Data Management Skills Policy Engagement Skills
• What should be the priority 6 crops? Criteria: Food Security, Nutrition Security, Industrial, Export, Climate Resilience, Income, Indigenous Crops, Knowledge of the crop, Multipurpose Maize Soya Beans Common Beans Chickpea Cassava Ahmarand
• What are the critical components of excellent variety promotion datasheets and materials? Simple & Inclusive Agro-Ecology Market Nutrition Agronomic Traits Photograph/Picture