In order to round, correctly, first you should know the place value that you want to round to: Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 3481.952076 Tenths (1 dec. pl.) Ten thousandths (4 dec. pls.) Hundredths (2 dec. pls.) Thousandths (3 dec. pls.)
When we round, we look at what comes after that place value When we round, we look at what comes after that place value. If it is 50% or more, round up. 1. Round 3481.952076 to the nearest integer: = 3482 Is it 50% or more? 2. Round 3481.952076 to the nearest tenth (one decimal place): = 3482.0 Is it 50% or more? 3. Round 3481.952076 to the nearest hundredth (two decimal places): Is it 50% or more? = 3481.95
Try these: 234.56011 the nearest whole number: 54.960134 to one decimal place: 951.47123 to two decimal places: 10.012499 to three decimal places: 681.57923 to four decimal places: 235 55.0 951.47 10.012 681.5792
When rounding, look at the numbers to the right of where you want to round and just ask yourself:” Is it 50% or more?” THE END!