Story Elements
Plot The main story of a literary work. The thread of situations that occur in the story. A plot always: Begins with a problem or conflict experienced by the main character Builds to a turning point (will the main character succeed or fail?) Ends with the resolution of the problem/conflict
Parts of Plot
Character The people or personae who are involved in the plot of a literary work Characteristics: Usually one or two main characters who experience a problem/conflict At the turning point, the character must make a choice which will determine whether it succeeds or fails in resolving a problem/conflict. Character grows/changes as a result of experiences in the story.
Setting The time, place, mood and atmosphere in which the literary work occurs Characteristics of Setting: Sometimes very important to the story. Example: if related to problem/conflict, as in historical fiction and survival stories. Sometimes could be anywhere or anytime (“the present”)
Theme The main idea of a literary work; the author’s message. Characteristics of theme: The ideas the author wants to reader to think about when the story is over. What the author wants us to learn about life from the main character’s experiences