“Roaring Twenties” A Culture of Optimism … By end of 1920’s, majority of homes have electricity Impact of radio Impact of automobile Scopes Trial Rise of K.K.K. & Nativism
The “Flapper” 1923-24 1925 1926 Scalloped hemline was a gradual way of making the hemline look shorter.
The “Flapper”
A “Bull Market”
Problems with the Farms and Rural and Western Banks (fill in your guided notes) [1] During WWI, prices are good [2] Farmers invest [3] Overproduction [4] Crop prices drop in 1920 & 1921 [5] Hard time paying mortgages and loans [6] Farms become foreclosed [7] Rural banks fail
Read pages. 475-476, Ch. 12, Sec. 4, “The Postwar Economy Boom”
Reading the handout, answer the following questions in your notebooks: (1) Why were farmers optimistic during WWI, and how did this lead to poor economic decisions by farmers? (2) How were the Roaring Twenties unkind to rural America? (3) Why were rural banks allowed to fail?
1920’s – An Era of Optimism (1) Credit culture of America in the 1920’s (2) “Buying on the Margin” – risky investments in stock market speculation (3) Farmers over-invest, taking out loans for more land and farm equipment (4) Overproduction in farm products and consumer goods
“Roaring Twenties” Economic Prosperity Henry Ford and the Model T (Innovations) “Scientific management” & “Moving assembly line” … Price per car: 1908 - $850 1914 - $490 1917 - $360 1924 - $294 (Innovations) “Five dollar day” … (Innovations) Weekends off … “Impact of the Automobile” …
“Roaring Twenties” Consumer Revolution: * Credit culture leads to … Magazine and newspaper ads … Installment plans … * Credit culture leads to … By 1927, 75% of all household goods were purchased on credit
Write down the following prompts, leaving three lines between in preparation to watch a video about the 1920’s “Boom to Bust” (12:00 to 37:00): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN7ftyZigYs (1) Impact of electricity and the automobile … (2) Credit culture of America in the 1920’s … (3) Impact of the radio … (4) Cultural tension and conflicts during the 1920’s … (5) The rise of spectator sports … (6) Charles Lindberg’s accomplishment represents …