Projections Orthographic drawings – drawings where three views of an object are drawn in perpendicular planes to one another.
Orthographic Drawings There are typically 3 views displayed in an Orthographic drawing Top Front Side
Standard Views The front view of an object shows the width and height dimensions. The top view of an object shows the width and depth dimensions. The side view of an object shows the height and depth dimensions.
Orthographic Views T F R.S. Notice that the Top View is positioned above the front and they are aligned The Right Side view is positioned to the right of the front view and also aligned T F R.S.
Orthographic Views T F R.S. The most important view is the Front View The most important view is the Front View You must determine which will be the front Choose the view that is the longest and the one with the most detail T F R.S.
Multiview Drawing
Orthographic Projection Orthographic projection is a technique that is used to create multiview drawings. Imagine a glass box
Try top view, side view and front view
Orthographic Projection A person standing in front of the object would see only the five corners identified in black. 2 3 1 4 line of sight at 90° angle to projection plane 5
Orthographic Projection Projection lines are used to project each corner outward until they reach the projection plane.
Orthographic Projection The visible edges of the object are then identified on the projection plane by connecting the projected corners with object lines.
Orthographic Projection The orthographic projection process is then repeated on the other projection planes.
Sketching Multiview Drawings Introduction to Engineering DesignTM Unit 1 – Lesson 1.2 – Intro to Technical Sketching Completed Multiview Drawing There are several ways to sketch a multiview drawing. Feel free to use the best way that make since to you. Teachers may choose to explain from the board or overhead using an example and have students follow along. Isometric (Pictorial) Orthographic Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2007
Object Line Layout
Sketching Multiview Drawings Introduction to Engineering DesignTM Unit 1 – Lesson 1.2 – Intro to Technical Sketching Draw the top view of all four objects. DO they have anything in common? You could have students practice sketching the multiview drawings of these objects individually or in groups to help determine the answer before revealing it. Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2007
They all have identical top views!